Uniting Against the Anti-Western Front
Unmasking alliances between Leftism and Radical Islam empowered by China in the quest for Western unity.
The dividing line between barbarity and civilization has never been more clear for those paying attention. For the first time in a long while, conservatives and liberals have united in their stand against Hamas (along with other Palestinian terror groups) since their bloody invasion into Israel. On the other hand, those who were successful in hiding behind accusations of racism or Islamophobia could no longer hold back how they really felt about Jews and reinforce why a Jewish homeland was needed in the first place.
Somewhere in the middle are people like comedian Dave Chapelle whose heart is in the right place but ignoring the lack of alternatives Israel has short of going after Hamas’s strongholds. Others like Abby Martin in a resurfaced Joe Rogan clip may forget that the only journalism allowed in Gaza is one that shows Hamas in a favorable light, and Rogan parroting Martin’s views on the situation showed himself as gullible on things he’s unfamiliar with like when taking the word of Russian State TV about their organic farming methods.
But let's take those who are easily duped but otherwise expected to be peaceful aside for a moment…
Islam and Memetic Hiveminds
When all it takes is Hamas lying to the press about a hospital bombing while showing zero proof to activate the antisemitic programming of the mobs into rioting throughout the West, then could we designate every single one programmed to respond in such a manner as unqualified to participate within our society?
This is not to say that all Muslims are to blame at all, as there have been recorded instances of Muslims helping out Israelis such as in the recent case of a Muslim bus driver who saved 30 people from the Negev rave massacre. But what is interesting to look into is which particular culture many of these Muslims are a part of, as those belonging to the Bedouins do not have this hatred towards Israel and some are even proud members of the IDF, though are under no obligation to join the service.
So rather than thinking exclusively about religion, it’s more productive to think in terms of self-referencing memetic hiveminds each with a specific mythology governing their moral code. When it comes to those who harbor nothing but hate towards Jews, it's important to understand what the specific influences are in terms of figures they look up to (like jihadist preacher Anjem Choudary and Adolf Hitler) and what lessons concerning Israel and the Jews are passed down within their places of religious learning and social circles.
All this is not to say that there have not been cases of Jews in Israel calling for genocide against the Arabs, but this is where a comparison between the political systems through which such hiveminds flow is warranted.
In the case of religious Jewish extremists or Israeli citizens inflamed by constant acts of war from Gaza, such views have traditionally been kept in check by more moderate voices from within Israel’s political machine. So if we are to judge countries by their actions, Israel’s current military response has been one of advance warning to the Gazans along with evacuation routes, and in the past has included “roof knocking” techniques designed to alert civilians of their building being targeted as a Hamas base of operations.
Add to this that Israel’s Arab population pays 70% less property taxes and as previously mentioned has no obligation to fight in the IDF, so what kind of picture does this paint of the overall policy towards Arabs despite the aforementioned voices calling for vengeance?
It would be extremely difficult to imagine any Muslim (or non-Western) nation providing such amenities to people who were taught from an early age to hate their host nation while leeching off their social services. Not to mention the thought of said host country supplying aid to those whose elected government uses it for waging war (as in the case of Hamas turning water pipes supplied by Israeli aid into rockets).
But then if we are to judge Israel by a higher moral standard compared to the rest of the Middle East, we are silently admitting the most important point: If the “body politic” of Middle Eastern and African Muslim nations operates at a far lower moral standard when fighting their enemies, what does this say about the masses of un-integrated migrants currently living in the West?
To assume their only grievance is with Israel (or only with Jews) is to forget the self-ghettoization and criminality thrusted upon a naïve egotistical Europe through its “refugees welcome” activists.
Unfortunately such “noble savage” activism mixed with antisemitism is alive and well within the Western left hivemind so it doesn’t matter how much precautions Israel would take in preventing loss of life. They’ll always be seen as the intelligent scheming aggressor by leftist and anti Western media, while the masses who celebrate the death of Jewish civilians are seen as plucky rebels at the peak of our intersectional victimhood hierarchy.
China’s Puppets & Political Division
Geopolitically, we see a similar kind of hivemind barbarism displayed by the Russians in their invasion of Ukraine, while Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups have been funded by The Islamic Republic of Iran. Both Russia and Iran are subservient to China, whose dictatorship has gotten negative responses from both Democrats and Republicans.
So it’s ironic that given their mutual understanding of who the main enemy is, MAGA Republicans differ with the Biden admin in preferring no response to China’s puppet state of Russia invading Ukraine. In this they fail to see the bigger picture.
While leaving the important “China Puppet Master” or even “Iranian funding” out of his recent address to the nation, President Biden did at least mention the importance of preventing both the Gazan and Russian governments from gaining ground through new funding. Yet support for Israel striking a nerve with far left groups like Black Lives Matter was only a matter of time for those of us not living under a rock, as the same goes for pretty much every far left group which the Democrats have relied on so far as political tools.
But the MAGA right, which sees the illiberal backwardness of social groups like this which support Hamas, closes its eyes to the realization that THIS is what is being fought against both abroad and domestically. A common complaint is that the US does not focus on its own sovereignty and sticks its nose into the business of other countries, but if the US were to isolate itself, it would not be turning away from the territorial squabbling of sovereign Western powers, but from those who have formed a united front of a mutual pact against the West as a whole.
Gods of the Programmed Masses
The last time of such an existential risk to Western order was Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union followed by just the Soviets. So it's interesting that those Third World societies aligned in their hatred of the West were originally empowered by the Soviet Union while today they look up to the late Adolf Hitler and currently living Vladimir Putin.
The Nazis combined atavism with high tech and an inheritance of traditions which foster sharp intellect, but without any trace of humanity in their persecution of Jews, Gypsies, and other groups they labeled as undesirables.
And while the numbers of such acts were committed more by the Nazis, the Soviets were not opposed to instances of their own racial extermination beyond the existing policy of systematic democide against anyone arbitrarily designated as the enemy.
One such instance was when most prominent members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee were given a show trial, tortured, and then killed during the last part of Stalin’s rule. This type of post World War II systematic anti-Semitism remained until the USSR’s collapse. Likewise, there was common everyday anti-Semitism and racism against the “black asses” as Russians called people from the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Yet despite this casual racism, we can find the Soviets’ handiwork in the creation myth of all the Third World “liberation” causes, including the formation of Palestinian identity itself as it was the pet project of the USSR with the goal of destroying the West.
And sharing in the same antisemitism, many radicalized Muslims look up to Adolf Hitler and his “final solution” while leftists in turn praise the Soviet Union yet retain the same level of hatred for Jews which they see as having the ultimate “White Privilege”.
Unity against the Anti-West
Since around 2015, the designation of “White Privilege” was used by leftist professors and infiltrated many of our institutions shortly after. But what’s become very clear is that the leftists designated “whiteness” as to do with anything civilized, thereby enforcing a harmful racism where non-whites (except for Asian “model minorities") are to be segregated from the standards that are otherwise accessible to all who aspire to them.
At least, that’s the idea in the Western liberal sphere where people are supposed to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. But it becomes more apparent that while the judging by skin or ethnicity has thankfully lessened among those who are actually liberal (as opposed to leftist), it has not been accompanied by the necessary judgment of character.
That is until now when the Jewish people of various ethnicities and races have exposed what lay beneath the surface but could not be communicated through a needless fear of being perceived as racist. Now countries like France are starting to “take action against foreigners who are legal residents but opposed to the 'values of the Republic'” and Germany is not too far behind.
This is not to say that such extra-legal scenarios would have no possibility for abuse, but the sheer amount of people who are incompatible with the West through their deeds (as opposed to their genes) has already crossed the threshold of acceptability. Now the sword of Damocles is about to fall right on top of the West internally with a culture clash and externally with the anti-Western powers making their moves.
The only way to remedy this and not fall into fascism or racism is to unite over the values which have made Western society prosperous and desirable regardless of personal origin while excluding those who admittedly hate these values with the same level of intensity. It costs almost nothing to do the former for most people while the latter is avoided like the plague as it costs quite a bit more for nations that embraced learned helplessness.
Likewise, it costs a good part of one’s ego as an “anti war” MAGA isolationist to admit that the head of this radical snake must be chopped off through going after the countries that sponsor the rioting and hatred we’re seeing right now. Specifically these would be Russia, Iran, and later on China (we need time to wean ourselves off their cheap goods).
As a long time supporter of Iranian resistance, Jason Jorjani said on our last stream that Hamas will continue to be a problem for Israel due to being funded by Iran, so the only way to stop Hamas will be to strike at Iran’s government.
According to Dr. Jorjani, this would especially be pertinent given that around one in seven Iranians actually support their regime and would welcome their demise, not to mention being a potentially great ally for Israel and the whole civilized world in the long term.
But such resolutions require going beyond the state of simply advocating for everyone to “just get along” and understanding that while ideally we would all act as moral rational agents, the liberal West has been a recent historical oddity that our internal and external enemies feel has overstayed its welcome. Should we lose what we have gained in terms of prosperity and tolerance, it will only be due to tolerating those who hate us and want us dead.
This is especially the case with those helping our enemies push their knife further into us out of concern for offending their non-Western sensibilities, but the divide happening right now means we can clearly see those people for what they are as well.
Excellent summation